Case Study: How a construction bookkeeper saved 5 hours per week with BuildX

Case Study: How a construction bookkeeper saved 5 hours per week with BuildX
Job Costing/ Budgets

A construction bookkeeper who works for a design build firm in San Francisco started using BuildX.

BuildX is an automation tool for construction finance. It integrates with QuickBooks.

Prior to using BuildX, this bookkeeper had to chase down the builders team to collect vendor invoices and credit card receipts (If this is you, you can imagine how frustrating this can be!)

Then he would spend hours doing data entry, not knowing which project or cost code to categorize these documents, with several emails going back & forth to get more information.

But when this bookkeeper started using BuildX, everything changed. He was able to automate this entire process, from document collection to data entry.

How it worked - Just like Google Drive or DropBox, the builder would simply drag and drop documents to the BuildX system. BuildX would automate the data entry using Artificial Intelligence, and use smart rules to categorize each invoice or receipt correctly (to the right job and right cost category). The bookkeeper would simply review this data and publish to QuickBooks in one click.

From having to spend hours every week on this tedious process, now the process was automated, saving this bookkeeper 7-8 hours in the first week itself.

If you are a construction bookkeeper, in need of saving time & increasing efficiency, please check out the free trial at